Hello! This is a ChatBot named Altria for you to manage your own task and stuffs.
The Memory of the ChatBot is stores in data/saver.txt. The bot will create the data automatically when the first you start using it.
The ChatBot can add the task you want to do to its memory by typing on commandline you may refer to usage for a detail explanation.
You can also manage the tasks with some simple command like delete
or view all the tasks with
command list
Type the following command in command line to use the ChatBot :
- List all the tasksExample of usage:
Expected outcome:
1.[T][X] book
2.[T][ ] a++
3.[D][ ] finish homework (by: Feb 26 2024)
- Delete a Task with it’s indexExample of usage:delete 3
Expected outcome:
I see, I will remove the task 3
[D][ ] finish homework (by: Feb 26 2024)
Now you have 2 tasks in my memory
- Mark a Task as DownExample of usage:mark 3
Expected outcome:
Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[D][X] finish homework (by: Feb 26 2024)
- Unmark a TaskExample of usage:unmark 3
Expected outcome:
OK, I've marked this task as not done yet:
[D][ ] finish homework (by: Feb 26 2024)
- Find the task with a given nameExample of usage:find homework
Expected outcome:
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1.[D][ ] finish homework (by: Feb 26 2024)
2.[T][ ] give the homework to cindy
- Add the todo task to the listExample of usage:todo sleep
Expected outcome:
Got it. I've added this task:
[T][ ] sleep
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.
- Add the Deadline task to the listExample of usage:deadline finish the IP /by 2024-03-08
Expected outcome:
Got it. I've added this task:
[D][ ] finish the ip (by: Mar 8 2024)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.
- Add the event task to the listExample of usage:deadline finish the IP /by 2024-03-08
Expected outcome:
You can also use date format like 2023-07-30
Got it. I've added this task:
[E][ ] project meeting (from: mon 2pm to 4pm)
Now you have 3 tasks in the list.
- Exit the mean programIf you encounter any problems or want to contact with me, feel free to contact me at yzhanglp0730@gmail.com. You can also visit my personal website for my information!